Sunday, May 23, 2010

Two Sided

So im sitting in a park with my best friend lunchbox looking at these group of guys wrestling on the grass. those kids were content with just playing with each other, no toys needed. basic. simple. Simplicity and two sided reflectons are just good for the soul. sometimes its good to step back and just chill out. experiences mold who we are, good or bad, they just do. but people seem to find it easier to focus on the negative experiences and often harbor resentment towards anything associated with those experiences. its important appreciate the good and the bad. Nothing stays bad forever and these experiences are tools that can be used to push you to where you want to be. dont forget where you come from because youll forget a peice of who you are and that void wont be filled as time goes on. dont stress every detail and try to fight change. change is necessary. imagine where we'd be without evolution? we wouldnt be at all. you live life once. all the time that you waste cursing and dreading the negatives is time you could have spent rolling down hills on summer nights. appreciate all that is around you and i promise that will be the most humbling experience. its good for your sanity guy.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Death in a bottle

why are hangovers so deadly? & it alll head to a party and people funnel liquor down your throat. you start to feel invincible. like youre on some pink cloud floating on a cloudy night on a warm summer night type shit then....boom! reality has knocked you offf that dumbass cloud because you find yourself spinning in a room, blurred faces like some carnival with scary clowns that are trying to kill you and eat your heart. shit. you get home and try to lay down..whooopssssssie. thats when its all over...............the vomit just pours out of your mouth, spraying like a sprinkler guy. you throw up enough that you finally sleep. but its prob the best seep that youve had in years and the you stand up and see the same carnival clowns..smh