Tuesday, April 20, 2010


The world is legit built on lies. Some lies are smaller than others and other lies can shatter someones world, but everyone lies. People try to please others and make em feel comfortable and they use lies to adjust that comfort levels. Some people are declared liars while others are sneakier and harder to catch. I have lied. and I have realized that lying temporarily relieves my problems. I have lied to my mom and friends and family and teachers and even my dog. I lie because sometimes I can't handle a situation. I lie to justify my actions. I lie to avoid hurting people and at the end of it all , all of those dumbass lies have hurt me the most. I want to climb a building at sunset and stand on top of the roof and yell the truth. I want to yell to my mom the truth about where I have been late at night and what I was up to. I wanna scream the truth about my missing homework to my teachers and I want to scream the truth about how I really see myself to the world and then I want to sip wine and smoke a blunt and be content with the truth that I have found in myself and watch the sun set on my confessions.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Dear Joshua Bennett

I had the honor of seeing Joshua Bennett perform live in November. I sat in that audience, in that cold ass dark room and when he spoke, flushes of gold light and warmth radiated throughout the room and our my minds became interwined with his words of pure sincerity and passion. I sat there as he spit this poem about love. the last lines going like, "Dear unattainable love, if you ever find yourself at a bus stop in brooklyn with a lead havy heart and a craving for wings, write me a love poem on a kite made from paperclips and old cross word puzzles wait for an evening when that sunset is so brazen tha you could fry an egg on it and let it fly adressed to the boy with earthquaked legs signed sincerely the best co-pilot this side of the atmosphere". how could he say those words and not mean it? How could he come up with an image of pure beauuty and fantasy and link it to what love is like for him? If love is sincere and pure and if its anything like Josh depicts it to be, I wouldn't be scared to fall again.

Dont nobody wanna liberate the weight of the pain.

This week has been a week of realization, sad,hard,cold realizations. Life throws us in situations where we may feel as if the negativeness willl never end. But, when you are put into a situation where the truth does not exisist and fake smiles cloud your judgement, its important to remember that nothing bad lasts forever. There has to be some greater power that's at work. Relationships change. Thats the truth. Relationships end. Shit happens. But as a human being, holding hate and resentment in your heart will end up being the same shit that breaks you down. You have control of your life and you are destined for greatness. You are meant to shine and as much as life and people try to scrape and dent you,, at the end of the day you will be shining. Beauty and success and drive and dedication and compassion comes from within. It's not sold in stores. It can't be imitated or duplicated. The cheap imitations will never be better than the original. Yeah, Friends turn into strangers, family members dont call as often,, and lovers become faint memories but all of those situations are learning experiences. He didn't leave you, she didn't lie to you, and forced you to not continue a relationship with you. Relationships end when there's nothing left to learn. Take what you learn, and move yo ass.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Cool shit

& thanks to Nosam Anad ...

At Yassai 7 we stayed away from diamonds completely and cut up rough metals
to create an entirely anti-war 1st collection. Fashionably Change the World with
Yassai 7, where with every purchase from this collection we give 2% back to block,
pause and eventually stop the Blood Diamond trade

You Think You're Cute Huh?

Guys. You think you're fly huh ? Fuck you are. College is full of Dumbass Niggas. The older people get the dumber they are. Guys in college in particular. although it may not be all guys. i have seen guys who are ignorant and rude and lame and smell and guys who an not hold a conversation. Its hard to tell who really wants to be your friend and who wants to get in your panties and its sad. Guy pretend to be into the same things that you re into. and not even have a clue of what you're talking about. the idea of pussy or the chance to even see a pussy makes guys act differently. Girls have so much power because of their pune. But if guys should realize that after the chase for the pune is complete, all thats left is a girl who's probably attached to you and you really dont have anything in common with.guys will deny and forget about certain things like basketball or other hobbies that they were interested in because of a girl. girls know what theyre doing guys. but at the end of the day they just want someone who's legit. girls prob dont want a relationship but having something of substance and not convenience makes shit easier.lets try originality guys. shit. fuck. its about quality not quantity.

Monday, April 12, 2010


When is it time to move on and let go and regain that old sense of freedom ? how is it that two people can create a bond greater than the world itself and still have It end? when is all the crying and screaming and pointless arguments effective? Truth is, they really aren't.Relationships are the simplest/most difficult thing to get a hold of. you have the right balance going on. But when is the juggling act too old to even watch again. People need people. As much as they deny it or run from it or preach solitude for the rest of their lives, people need people to stimulate our souls. I can sit here and try to make it through the day with this fuck the world mentality. I can try to preoccupy myself with books and work and new opportunities for myself but at the end of the day I'm still trying o fill a void. Granted, I don't know how or when to fill the void or if i m even doing it Right, but i don;t think that i could ever give up on something that I'm set on. I cant let go of something i love, that would be like letting go of oxygen. Jut cant happen. I guess people are ready to move on when he/she/them wake up in the morning and don't think of that other person. When its mutual and its a mutual feeling of I cant do this any longer, its dead. But when theres a side thats willing to hang on for a little longer, theres always that hope. Problem is, can a person survive on hope alone ?

Sunday, April 11, 2010


When you're a little kid, you never really wonder if the kid you met 3 minutes ago on the playground is gonna have your back. It's just assumed, unspoken. Sad to say that unspoken word of loyalty and trust seem to wither away the older people get. Friends are quick to change. People you thought were down for you are too busy preoccupied plotting ways to completely fuck up the friendship. They say and think and do all of these things that you, at one point in time, thought were way beneath them and you did not even dream that your "friend" would be able to cause such destruction to your life....but truth is..its all way too common. it's a story that i have heard time and time again and i know how it all ends. You end up hating ech other and secrets that were once told in the cone of silence become the only tool you have to defend yourself in a war with your friend..? With any relationship, i have learned it takes time to build and create. Anything that doesn't require time isnt worth it? Right Ralphie? Bitches gotta be willing to put in work and then and only then will a beautiful exchange of experiences occur amongst true friends. Arguements and disagreements are a given...life wouldnt be right without them but the recovery and the making up after those ridiculous tifts is what produces a worthy friend. its the people who are willing to listen and not ask questions or not give you robotic advice that are worthwhile. its a mutual respect between real friends where being someone youre not will not get you very far and originality is appreciated. its the friends that help you get through the day with gay ass fb comments and memories of a bomb ass summer where kid cudi was the anthem to the late night car rides and making fun of one another is acceptable because a true friend is not afraid to keep you humble. those are all reasons why its worth it to have real people by your side. Jealousy, hatred, bad mouthing, gossip, all blur the inner good within people and if people would chill the fuck out and go back to the days where being in a room with your friend was fun b/c all you did was laugh and talk shit about pointless things, friendships would last longer than the expiration date on the milk carton. Just saying.

Dear Lauryn Hill, The fuck are you?

Uhm, hello there . this is my first blog & its all about how caught up the world can really be. Lauryn Hill was/is/will always be the best mc/writer/producer/songer/rapper to have walked this earth. legit. few can argue otherwise. but i want to talk about her cry for help. Throughout her time in the Fugees, shit hit the fan. Her relationship in & out of the studio with Wyclef became too much and her relationship with Bob Marleys' son Rohan was anything but perfect.Dude had another wife. smfh.She also struggled to compete with her own bandmate Wyclef and break from this lame ass idea that he was the genuis of the Fugees. Wake the fuck up Wyclef...you def werent a fucking genius. Idiot. Lauryn Hill can be quoted on her MTV Unplugged album saying how she just wanted to go to the grocery store with no make up on. The lady was afraid to even hold her children before award shows because she didnt want to get spit up on. Her family added more pressure on her to maintain an image of beauty and talent and why the fuck did no one help her? I wouldn't say she had a Mariah Carey moment but fuck man, she barely makes it through any of her songs on the Unplugged album without crying. Did no one listen to the words of her songs? It was a last attempt to regain her sanity & because no one listened to her or reassured her during tough times, we've lost Lauryn Hill forever. Way to go. -_- Society forgets that at the end of the day after all of the hair extensions and make is taken off, artists are still people & if we kept that in mind Lauryn would still be around. With all of that bullshit, my ass would have gone crazy too.