Sunday, April 11, 2010


When you're a little kid, you never really wonder if the kid you met 3 minutes ago on the playground is gonna have your back. It's just assumed, unspoken. Sad to say that unspoken word of loyalty and trust seem to wither away the older people get. Friends are quick to change. People you thought were down for you are too busy preoccupied plotting ways to completely fuck up the friendship. They say and think and do all of these things that you, at one point in time, thought were way beneath them and you did not even dream that your "friend" would be able to cause such destruction to your life....but truth is..its all way too common. it's a story that i have heard time and time again and i know how it all ends. You end up hating ech other and secrets that were once told in the cone of silence become the only tool you have to defend yourself in a war with your friend..? With any relationship, i have learned it takes time to build and create. Anything that doesn't require time isnt worth it? Right Ralphie? Bitches gotta be willing to put in work and then and only then will a beautiful exchange of experiences occur amongst true friends. Arguements and disagreements are a wouldnt be right without them but the recovery and the making up after those ridiculous tifts is what produces a worthy friend. its the people who are willing to listen and not ask questions or not give you robotic advice that are worthwhile. its a mutual respect between real friends where being someone youre not will not get you very far and originality is appreciated. its the friends that help you get through the day with gay ass fb comments and memories of a bomb ass summer where kid cudi was the anthem to the late night car rides and making fun of one another is acceptable because a true friend is not afraid to keep you humble. those are all reasons why its worth it to have real people by your side. Jealousy, hatred, bad mouthing, gossip, all blur the inner good within people and if people would chill the fuck out and go back to the days where being in a room with your friend was fun b/c all you did was laugh and talk shit about pointless things, friendships would last longer than the expiration date on the milk carton. Just saying.

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