Monday, April 12, 2010


When is it time to move on and let go and regain that old sense of freedom ? how is it that two people can create a bond greater than the world itself and still have It end? when is all the crying and screaming and pointless arguments effective? Truth is, they really aren't.Relationships are the simplest/most difficult thing to get a hold of. you have the right balance going on. But when is the juggling act too old to even watch again. People need people. As much as they deny it or run from it or preach solitude for the rest of their lives, people need people to stimulate our souls. I can sit here and try to make it through the day with this fuck the world mentality. I can try to preoccupy myself with books and work and new opportunities for myself but at the end of the day I'm still trying o fill a void. Granted, I don't know how or when to fill the void or if i m even doing it Right, but i don;t think that i could ever give up on something that I'm set on. I cant let go of something i love, that would be like letting go of oxygen. Jut cant happen. I guess people are ready to move on when he/she/them wake up in the morning and don't think of that other person. When its mutual and its a mutual feeling of I cant do this any longer, its dead. But when theres a side thats willing to hang on for a little longer, theres always that hope. Problem is, can a person survive on hope alone ?

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